Online Training - Revival of a proven concept
Posted on 17 July 2020 at 11:00 by Jessica Bär
The benefits of online training are extensive and these have proven their worth during the Covid-19 pandemic.
The world is largely at a standstill - the pandemic exceptional situation in 2020 has forced us to rethink and act and has brought an issue into focus that is not new but has gained in importance through Covid-19: Online Training. Life has to go on, even though we must adhere to restrictions, and thanks to digital networking this is possible in many areas: Online training and home office for work, online teaching and lectures at schools and universities, sports training and in extra-professional training.
“Online training is the art of transferring knowledge via the Internet, from anywhere in the world to target groups who decide on a specific subject area.”
The advantages of online training are extensive: the participant increases the personal flexibility and mobility, because online training is independent of time and place, as long as one has access to the Internet and a device. Every learner can choose exactly the learning format that appeals to him or her most and corresponds to his or her personal learning style. Video learning courses that are recorded with instructors and experts are currently very popular. The videos are fed into online courses and replace fixed training dates or live webinars. The video material is available to the participant at any time and allows for maximum flexibility in learning and follow-up, all at the learning pace of the individual learner. Performance assessments can also be easily integrated into online training courses, where the learner can query and test what he or she has learned without obligation. In addition to exercises, online training provides the option for online certification via a final test. Finally, in many cases, online training is more cost-effective than classroom training. Costs can be saved both for the online training provider and the subscriber.
In addition to all the advantages of online training, it also brings challenges: Learners who have had little experience with PCs, tablets and smartphones so far have to find their way around the virtual learning environment. Besides the uncertainties in dealing with the technology, the participant's self-motivation plays the biggest role in learning success.
In order to maintain motivation, a blended learning approach is a good choice. Different learning methods are used such as scripts, online tests, learning videos, group work via learning forums as well as webinars with a trainer and other participants. By mixing different learning elements and belonging to a group of learners - even if only virtually - the participant is encouraged. The approach also offers room for questions and exchange, to maximize the learning success.
The mmb Institute has conducted a study in which the surveyed training providers see an increased tendency towards online training. The majority of the study participants are sure that the developments by Covid-19 have led to the fact that the advantages of online training have been proven, “Professional education and further education will clearly and also sustainably become more digital”.